Thursday, December 22, 2011

Blind Freddy (blast from the past)

Just in time for Xmas 2011 I have resurrected some old tunes that (dusty as they may be) deserve a second listen. These were recorded with my old band Blind Freddy who is sadly no longer with us but we had some good times.

Blind Freddy was a band that didn't know what kind of music to specialise in so we did a bit of everything. Funk/Soul/Hip-Hop/Rock/Jazz just to name a few styles we butchered! The line up was as follows...
  • Original Digga (yours truly) on Keyboards and Vocals and basically fronting it
  • Jaykle on Drums and Vocals and he got up front on a couple
  • El Bartoz funking it up on bass
  • John M. on Guitar

Me and my cuz Jaykle basically wrote all the songs (although El Bartoz contributed one of the greats - She Says - a rockin' good tune) but everybody put in their 2 cents worth and it was one hell of a band.

We played gigs mainly around the city of Adelaide and had a regular spot at Tonsley Hotel at Clovelly Park for a while. Sadly the band split up just when things were getting pretty good for the usual reasons and we went our separate ways.

Jaykle and El Bartoz went on to play together as J-HOE for a while and god only knows what John M is up to these days.

Anyway enough of the preamble let's get on to the meat of the matter - the music! 

First up it's a poppy-grungy angst ridden howl from the nineties called SAVE MY SKIN. This was written in my  Morphett Vale days back in the 20th century and a bit of a cry for help I guess. The vocals sound to me now like a bear got its foot caught in a trap, but it's notable for its 6/8 chorus.

Why would you want to save my skin?
Save my Skin by Original Digga

Next up is another Hip-Hop opus that's still widely liked today among a handful of initiates: SWING THING. This was about my first attempt at a Hip-Hop tune and became a staple of Blind Freddy performances. I'm quite honestly very proud of it even today.

Hit the ride and ring-ding, it's a swing thing!
Swing Thing by Original Digga

So there's some new (old) tracks to close 2011. As always: Download, Listen, Share. Enjoy!

Monday, November 7, 2011

My partner in life and music

The big day is almost here! On 11/11/11 I will be pledging my love and life commitment to my long time partner Erica.

Erica and I have been together since 2000 and like most couples we've had some ups and downs but mostly ups. She is the most beautiful,wise, kind and caring person I have ever met and I am honoured she has accepted me as her partner for life.

Erica loves music and this has always been a huge part of our relationship. She has always supported me through many gigs, recording sessions, song writing and the highs and lows of being in a band. Erica has a wonderful voice and one of my fondest memories was a show we played together around 2002. Just two voices and a guitar - magic.

Erica co-wrote a song with me that I am incredibly proud of: Inside my Head. Always a crowd favourite in the old Blind Freddy days this Grunge/Alternative Ballard explores depression and striving to maintain a sense of self.

Yes it's all inside my head but without it I am nothing at all.
Inside My Head - fast version by Original Digga

If you dig Inside my head, please visit Triple J Unearthed and give me a 5-star review! Thank you for your support.

And thank you Erica for your past and future support; you sure have mine. I love you dearly.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Mind Freedom vs. Mind Demons

My brother Bidz has published his long awaited début track 'MIND FREEDOM' and it's a beauty! He's been through some tough times of late and faced many challenges. Bidz never gave up the struggle and he talks about his positive path on the track.

So yesterday (29 Oct) I was sitting in the Coles carpark at Gawler eating a chicken pie and thinking about some of the hard times I've been through myself. I told Bidz I would write an answer song to his track and I've called it 'MIND DEMONS'.

Written, recorded and published all in a day! Not too bad if I do say so myself...

Anyhow I guess both me and brother Bidz have had to battle plenty of MIND DEMONS in the past and probably will in the future, but we'll win the day and our MIND FREEDOM once again!

As always don't forget to DLS: Download, Listen and Share!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Excuse Me!

My little brother Seek and his partner in crime mr. Halfkast are the M3thodardiz and take my word for it this is one sick crew. Halfkast takes care of the beatboxin but on this track he's rapping along with Seek.

These guys are some true upcoming Skip Hop legends so of course I had to mention them here. The latest track is produced by Sledge over at VMR and is titled 'Excuse Me' - cop it sweet here, it's a treat for the ear.

Don't forget to follow @M3THODARDIZ on twitter and have a listen on their SoundCloud page! 

Friday, October 21, 2011

Welcome to my world of Skip Hop

Hello World!

You have entered the world of the Original Skip Hoppin Digga - thanks for coming! This will be my little corner of the web for my music and musings.

Larrikin by Original Digga

Please help yourself to some free downloads over at my Reverbnation or Soundcloud pages. If you don't mind the sound give me a rating on Triple J Unearthed and like my facebook page. You can follow me on twitter @originalgigga.

Like the spammers say, you can never promote too much.

Watch this space for regular updates and more free music!